Digital Marketing

We are known for

Performance Based Marketing

Performance-based marketing refers to digital marketing and advertising, where professional service providers are compensated when set metrics and business goals are met. In digital performance marketing, success is directly tied to performance, and you pay when a specific action is complete.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

e-Commerce Marketing

Handing over the keys to your digital storefront is a big deal. At Human, we specialize in marketing and development for ecommerce companies — whether you need a full marketing team or specific expertise.

We bring years of experience growing ecommerce companies and a relationship-first approach to develop custom marketing strategies that drive high ROI.

Lead Generation

Lead generation describes the marketing process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of developing sales pipeline. Proformics uses diverse approach to deliver Lead Generation Campaigns by in-house Inventory, Third Party Affiliates and Automated Media Platform like Native Media Platform, Programmatic Media Buying Platforms etc.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO refers to setting up and optimizing certain elements on your website to make it easier for search engines -evaluate the information available. This will increase the likelihood ul your vvebsite ranking higher in the ,gine optimization helps you reach your target audience when they are actively searching online for it ,ertoices. without SEO, you risk losing !Potential clients to your competitors, because oarchreSUttS. Grid Marketing can help you improve your SEO marketing strategy, thereby increasing the organinc traffic to your website.